The “Benevolence” program, hosted by the Manna Dream Center, is a dedicated initiative designed to identify and address the financial needs that individuals often find challenging to meet on their own. Our core mission revolves around supporting those confronted with emergency housing or utility crises. We step in to alleviate immediate financial strain by assisting with essential payments for utilities and rent, ensuring that no individual has to go without these basic needs due to financial setbacks.
Our program specifically caters to households within Manna Fayetteville/Fort Liberty, Anderson Creek, Hope Mills, Ramsey Street, and Raeford church sites. We welcome all members from these communities, especially those who are employed and are experiencing a short-lived financial need.
In addition to this, we actively encourage monetary donations to support our benevolence applicants, and we have a structured application process for those in need. Join us in making a tangible difference in the lives of many by volunteering or benefiting from our program.
How to Receive Benevolence
For those interested in seeking assistance or contributing to this cause call 910-930-9380 and leave a message. The Benevolence Coordinator will return the call in the order that it was received.
Serve with Manna Dream Center
Make a lasting impact in our community by serving at the Manna Dream Center;
your time and effort can transform lives!